It often takes a certain personality to start a company. And while tech bros love to glorify a founder, they often gloss over ...
This is the biggest mistake startup leaders make Silicon Valley is obsessed with ‘founder mode.’ But women founders say ...
SpaceX’s current halo moment is the best argument for handing over the company reins to someone else. Among the ...
Founder-Mode is the new Silicon Valley buzz strategy. My advice: Stop seeking your leadership style from gurus. Find it in ...
Graham cites Airbnb founder and CEO Brian Chesky as the best example of the founder mode mantra in practice. Chesky is a ...
Tech leaders have become engrossed in a debate over the best way to run their companies following an essay that championed ...
After Paul Graham released an essay that praised the need for entrepreneurs to micromanage a startup, women entrepreneurs ...
Instead of delegating to direct reports, Y Combinator cofounder Paul Graham said founders should stay involved as their ...
Silicon Valley has been abuzz in recent days over one topic in particular: How hands-on should founders be in their companies ...
it’s called “founder mode” it’s about how to run your company as a founder and how that often goes against traditional ...
Paul Graham, co-founder of Y Combinator, recently sparked a riveting discussion with his blog post on ‘Founder Mode.’ ...
Manager Mode ensures stability, order, and predictable growth, which is crucial for large organizations. And without large ...