Despite increased crackdowns on Syrian refugees in countries like Turkey and Lebanon, most Syrians don't want to go back- ...
The defense of the democratic rights of refugees and migrant workers, the victims of imperialist wars, cannot be separated ...
The Anti-Defamation League is suing Iran, North Korea, and Syria over their alleged support for Hamas’s deadly October 2023 ...
The remarks came as both Erdogan and Assad raised the possibility of resuming dialogue between Ankara and Damascus.
At least seven people have been arrested in Germany and Sweden on suspicion of committing crimes against humanity and war ...
Since shortly after the beginning of Syria’s civil war, countries faced with the prospect of hosting Syrian refugees have ...
Turkey closed its main border crossings into northwest Syria on Tuesday after Turkish troops came under fire from Syrians ...
GENEVA - Human rights experts warn Syria’s people are trapped in a society riven by impunity, lawlessness and fragmentation ...
Officials from the Czech Republic are reportedly preparing a fact-finding mission to Syria. Their aim is to create a “safe ...
French prosecutors have asked the country's highest court to rule on the validity of the international arrest warrant for ...
President Bush, in remarks to reporters, said "We believe there are chemical weapons in Syria" and that the Iraqi neighbor ...