Thanks a lot for everything, truly." Ubisoft has publicly responded to this, thanking Soliani and referencing that iconic E3 moment: "Thank you so much for all your incredible work Davide!
A new game based on James Cameron's Avatar film and a fresh collaboration with Nintendo kicked off E3 2021. Ubisoft was the first game-maker to demonstrate their upcoming games at the annual ...
Do better, Ubisoft. The whole video is actually a little odd. In some ways, it feels like an E3 presentation from ten years ago, touting all the latest whizzbang tech of 2014. Don't get me wrong ...
Beyond Good & Evil 2 was first announced in 2008. It was re-revealed at E3 2017, at Ubisoft's Press Conference, to much fanfare. However, the game doesn't appear close to seeing the light of day.
The Nintendo Switch 2 will undoubtedly have big 3rd party support, but could that include getting both Mario + Rabbid games?