When contributions are made to RESPs, the government matches 20% of the contributions through the Canadian Education Savings Grant (CESG) on amounts up to $2,500 per year. The lifetime contribution ...
Listings have swollen steadily. In Toronto, 166,121 of them materialized during the year, a 16% jump. In Vancouver, new listings hit 60,388, up almost 19%.
However, Deutsche Bank’s risk forecasting was, in some ways, sensible; not because a major solar flare has actually occurred, ...
It’s been a rough year for our dollar aka ‘the loonie’. As seen in the chart below, the CAD/USD has been trading in a range ...
As we’ve mentioned often, there is no stronger emotion than fear. It frames so many of our actions. When it comes to money we ...
The paint guy, Dave, wanted to discuss Trump while we waited for my ceiling mix to jiggle. Apparently he has a lot of family and friends south of the line. So, whadda they think? I asked. “They’re ...
Just a few more sleeps left in 2024. A year ago would you have expected your boring B&D investments to earn 15% or 20%? To see interest rates plummet? To witness the finance ministress quitting in a ...
Remember the mortgage cliff we were all going to fall off? It made for a good tale last year as we brought you news of existing mortgages amortized for 70, or even 90, years. When the CB rate swelled ...
In frosty Canada the spring housing market starts… soon. By Lover’s Day it’s in full flower in the majors of Toronto and Van. In Saskatoon and Moncton, not so much. You know why. This year it’s ...