Here’s the opinion in League of Women Voters v. Utah State Legislature (h/t Ballot Access News). A key excerpt: The novel question before us asks: what happens when Utahns use their initiative power ...
Constitution, news of troubling developments for those concerned about: Local election board members across Georgia would be entitled to review vast troves of documents before they certify this fall’s ...
Charlie Martel argues, contra Bush v. Gore, that the Constitution confers one in this Balls & Strikes essay: The argument for a constitutional right to vote for president is simple. There are five ...
Great analysis by Jessica Huseman at Votebeat, digging into the state laws in several key states. A snippet: Other news media so far have amply covered the question of how, under the Democratic ...
The Atlantic has more on this subject … with the subtitle, “In a few weeks, however, his party’s own rules just might.” ...
NYT has this fascinating conversation featuring Kate Shaw, Will Baude, and Steve Vladeck, on Trump v. United States, Trump v. Anderson, and other cases from the term. A highlight from Will: It’s no ...
The State Democracy Research Initiative here at University of Wisconsin Law School will be hosting its annual review of democracy litigation in the U.S. and state supreme courts, at 3:00-4:15 CT today ...
Should Biden bow out now — before he officially becomes the party’s nominee — legal experts say replacing him on the ballot would be relatively straightforward. The process would become significantly ...
Rob Richie in the Fulcrum, advocating ranked-choice voting and concluding: “Out of crisis comes opportunity. If forced to pick a new nominee, Democrats have real options for doing it well. Looking to ...
From Princeton’s Innovations for Successful Societies, this report by Al Vanderlipp. Here’s the abstract: In Colorado, as in most US states, politicians long controlled the process of drawing federal- ...
Americans are now less likely to support no-excuse early or absentee voting than they were prior to the 2020 election. This is the result of shifting views among Republicans. In 2018, when we first ...
Under the new order, the Idaho secretary of state will review the state’s voter rolls with local police and the transportation department to identify anyone who is not a citizen. The secretary of ...