The company’s initiative to redesign its home page to better suit mobile and app users coincided with an internal cultural ...
Media24’s lifestyle division developed Paygates to introduce paid subscription models tailored to the evolving needs of its ...
Washington Post Senior Editor for AI Strategy and Innovation Phoebe Connelly and Aftonbladet Deputy Managing Editor Martin ...
How do you re-transform a legacy media business that united its journalists behind digital-first a decade ago? Stuff Group, ...
During the recent INMA Roundtable at Vail, news media leaders shared their thoughts on AI and change management.
Forming a team, defining success, and setting a timeline are small steps in a newsroom incubation plan that can lead to big ...
During this week’s Webinar, INMA members will learn how the modern e-paper fits in the digital landscape and some of the ...
Reach PLC created a new distribution plan using WhatsApp and is able to send pictures, videos, and links directly to more ...
Diogo Max, journalist for SEO and growth, said the Growth Desk has been key to Valor Econômico’s digital transformation.
During the recent INMAs Asia/Pacific News Media Summit, Seenhau Tham, head of operations at Malaysiakini, explained how the ...
Rajiv Malhotra, head of digital media products at SPH Media, explained how language and vernacular media play key roles in ...
The reorganised Bergens Tidende launched boot camps to instill a breaking news mentality among its newsroom team. The result: ...