While all men are created equal, as the American Declaration of Independence put it, based upon the biblical, Judeo-Christian origins of the American Revolution, it is not possible to achieve equality ...
The presentation of the operational inquiry regarding the battle at Kibbutz Be’eri was completed today (Thursday). The findings were presented to the members of the Be’eri community, the families of ...
Almog Meir Jan is suing the People Media Project for materially supporting the Hamas operative who imprisoned him.
Rebbetzin Faigie Horowitz is a writer, advocate, non-profit veteran, and co-founder of JWOW!, Jewish Women of Wisdom, a community for Orthodox midlife women.
Despite our reputation as a stiff-necked, recalcitrant nation, the Children of Israel typically rise beyond the ordinary to provide comfort and sustenance for one another, especially in times of uncer ...
The electric atmosphere was palpable, reflecting New York City's passion for soccer and offering a unique experience distinct from baseball, basketball, and football games.
The mystery novel The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time begins with a small series of shocking revelations for its protagonist, Christopher Boone (spoilers ahead). First, there is the ...
The recipient of the letter was Rabbi Aharon Mendel HaCohen (1866-1927), a native of Tiberias who served as Chief Rabbi of the Ashkenazic community in Cairo for decades. He is best remembered for his ...
Similarly, when giving the laws of Pesach in the desert, Moshe was asked to account for those who cannot bring the Korban Pesach because they’ve become impure by exposure to a dead body. The Sages ask ...
The Medrash states that Hashem is unwilling to spare individuals who speak lashon hara; it would be prudent for them to refrain from speaking lashon hara in the first place. The Sifri cites the pasuk ...
Building a Mishkan, circumcision, tzedakah, and farming are not our only significant actions. Every good deed we perform, no matter how small, is important and impactful. Each of these deeds contribut ...
It’s time for all our people to stop using these rationalizations because any thinking Jew knows in their heart of hearts that every Jew should be in Israel, and these excuses have no basis. Our gra ...