Mullins has 2,041. Mullins is 302 points shy of the old Greenfield High School mark of 2,343 set by Mike Edwards in 1969. 6 p.m. – Mt. Vernon vs. Richmond at Muncie Central Sectional 6 p.m ...
The 2025 high school baseball season officially begins Monday. Five schools will begin the chase for state championships ranked No. 1 in their classification in the N.C. statewide baseball polls ...
Fifth-grade Greenfield Intermediate School students honored for citizenship were Cameron Garriott, Caroline Goldstein, Forrest Inman, Fiona Jent, Brylan Kendall, Lincoln Niece, Bella Savage and ...
That game was Friday night. The Wilson senior, who eclipsed 1,000 in both career points and rebounds this season, scored a game-high 13 points in the first round of the Region 3C playoffs ...
Wilson came fresh off making waves at the New Balance Grand Prix event, setting a new high school record in the 400m. Currently 17 year old Quincy Wilson signed with New Balance in September 2023 ...
"We are committed to ensuring that every student at Greenfield CUSD 10 has access ... strategic plan being adopted for the 2025-26 school year. The district is eager to engage all stakeholders ...
Wayne Country and Greenfield will hit the court on Saturday, Feb. 15 at 4 p.m. ET. Don't miss out on any of the action with NFHS Network. The NFHS Network gives you access to live high school ...
classmates and emergency responders as we all try to make sense out of something so unimaginable," Greenfield Deputy Chief Charles McMichael said in a news release. According to police, Weston ...