A 10-digit Harmonised System of trade Nomenclature, with accurate classification, will facilitate smoother trade talks, ...
The threat of a looming trade war has left United States importers scrambling for tools to help ameliorate the impact of customs duties. In many ...
President Trump has enacted a slew of tariffs that affect consumer goods. When it comes to beverages, these may skyrocket in ...
Our prior alert addressed the three Executive Orders issued by President Trump in early February imposing additional tariffs on goods from ...
The appeal court scheduled the cases of Attorney General of Canada v. Medline Canada Corporation, A-81-24 and Attorney ...
Gaia Dynamics, a pioneering AI-driven trade compliance platform, today announced that Matt Silver, co-founder and CEO of ...
They’re clearly trying to put the fear of God in these importers,” said Morris, Manning & Martin partner Will Planert.
The process is relatively simple for items such as Canadian fruits and vegetables, but can be trickier for manufactured goods, as every element has its own tariff classification code, said Zvi Halpern ...
Demand for advice on tax, reorganizations and other corporate matters remains brisk, however, and law firms in Mexico ...
The Gauhati High Court has ruled that fruit pulp and juice-based carbonated drinks fall under the lower 12% GST slab instead ...
"This is the sixth year in a row that our municipal team has been recognized with a Lipper Award," said Baird Advisors Chief Investment Officer Emeritus and Baird Funds President Mary Ellen Stanek, ...
Autotech] (GST AAAR Gujarat) Appellate Authority for Advance Ruling (AAAR), Gujarat, upheld the earlier ruling by the Gujarat Ad ...