The period between 1605 and 1612 is called the Time of Troubles. What does it mean and why is it the Time of Troubles? Is it ...
Founded in 1921 through a royal decree of Tsar Boris III, it is named after influential Bulgarian composer Pancho Vladigerov (1899–1978). Two buildings house the academy. It offers 30 programmes ...
But it was only when Putin launched his full-scale invasion of Ukraine, in 2022, that Ammosov began to plot the overthrow of ...
The construction of sewerage under the boulevards “Gen. Totleben“ and “Tsar Boris III”, which are the next priority large objects of the Metropolitan Municipality. In addition to the sewage system, ...
Tsar Boris III cut the ribbon and delivered the first speech, followed by Prime Minister Kimon Georgiev. The monument resembles a medieval Bulgarian fortress. It is 31.5 m high and 890 steps lead to ...
Inspired by his idol, the charismatic liberal politician Boris Nemtsov ... that was employed by the Bolsheviks: Win over the tsar's soldiers, and the tsar will fall. Revolutions also have a ...