But shattering bonds between Hutu and Tutsi was not easy. For centuries they had shared a single language, a common history, the same ideas and cultural practices. They lived next to one another ...
That being said, experts and organisations like the UN have documented decades of discrimination against Congolese Tutsis and the Banyamulenge - a Tutsi sub-group concentrated in the South Kivu ...
Almost all the victims are members of the Tutsi (or Watusi) tribe, usually remembered for their great height--many Tutsi are seven feet tall. The people slaughtering the Tutsi are the Hutu ...
The hunt for Tutsi community instead of a few individuals ... There economic and missionary activities engendered rapid socio-economic and cultural changes even among the peasantry.
Entertainment has long served as a powerful tool for education, storytelling, and cultural preservation. However, a concerning trend has also emerged within the industry – “genocide denial.” The ...