WAUPACA COUNTY, Wis. -- The father of three girls who were getting off a school bus while it was struck by a truck in Wisconsin is speaking out about the frightening crash. The scary scene on ...
ROYALTON, Wis. (WBAY) - The driver of a pickup truck that slammed into the back of a stopped school bus in Waupaca County’s town of Royalton last week was issued four citations for traffic ...
The Waupaca Police Department was assisted by the Waupaca County Sheriff’s Office, Waupaca Fire Department, Gold Cross Ambulance, Waupaca County Highway Department, and Nelson’s Towing.
SARASOTA, Fla. - A Massachusetts man was arrested on Thursday after hitting a bicyclist in Manatee County and taking off, according to the Florida Highway Patrol. Troopers said John Figgie ...
Some beachside residents in Volusia County should expect to see activity soon as the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers prepares to pump sand on the beach. The Army Corps will allow the county to use ...
Google Maps employs a sophisticated blend of satellite imagery, GPS data, and AI to provide precise navigation. The integration of Gemini AI enables specific searches, while real-time weather and ...
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University is scoping out a location in rural northeast Lake County for a satellite campus where it could train drone pilots and test autonomous flying vehicles.
Echoing the plan outlined by Macron, Zelensky said he hoped there can be “silence in the skies – banning the use of missiles, long-range drones and aerial bombs,” as well as “silence at ...
The Waupaca County Sheriff’s Dept. issued Jordan Gilbo, 30, citations for non-registration of a vehicle, reckless driving – endangering safety, failing to stop for an unloading school bus ...