WAUPACA COUNTY, Wis. -- The father of three girls who were getting off a school bus while it was struck by a truck in Wisconsin is speaking out about the frightening crash. The scary scene on ...
a county survey suggests. On Friday, the Utah County Government released its findings from a resident perception survey, which it said garnered responses from 2,589 residents between December and ...
ROYALTON, Wis. (WBAY) - The driver of a pickup truck that slammed into the back of a stopped school bus in Waupaca County’s town of Royalton last week was issued four citations for traffic ...
CANANDAIGUA, NY— A brief survey asking Ontario County residents for information on the types of natural hazards they've encountered, such as flooding, wildfire and winter storms, and those they ...
The Waupaca Police Department was assisted by the Waupaca County Sheriff’s Office, Waupaca Fire Department, Gold Cross Ambulance, Waupaca County Highway Department, and Nelson’s Towing.
The survey results, the county said in a Friday news release, will be used to shape the county’s emergency response efforts in the future. The Sonoma County Administrator’s Office launched a ...
According to a 2021 survey by the Pew Research Center, only 72% of rural Americans have broadband internet at home.
The Fair Market Rent Survey started in January and aims to collect information about current rental housing costs across Maui County. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development sets the ...
The County's Outside Agency Program has kicked off a community survey to gather insights on local needs. The survey, which runs through March 31, aims to understand the community's needs better.