If you see students outside of Wausau schools Wednesday with law enforcement, the district says there's no need to worry.
WAUSAU, WI (WSAU) — Wausau Police are warning about a new text message scam circulating in the community. Officers say the ...
In a Facebook post, the Wausau Police Department says there is a new fake E-ZPass text message scam. Scammers are sending ...
WAUSAU, Wis. (WSAW) - The Wausau Police Department says they aided in the arrest of a shooting suspect from Minnesota. Kevon ...
WAUSAU, Wis. (WSAW) - The Wausau Police Department is reminding drivers of school bus safety after repeated issues of drivers not stopping for the red flashing lights and stop signs as bus drivers ...
Roughly 1,300 Education Department staffers received layoff notices Tuesday, a Trump administration official said.
Damakant Jayshi The Wausau Police Department has issued a request for proposals (RFP) for the operation of a year-round night ...
A spokesperson for the D.C. Metropolitan Police Department said Tuesday that law enforcement was unaware of security issues at the Education Department's main headquarters, or the Federal Student ...
The man identified as a “large quantity source” for supplying methamphetamine and cocaine to a drug trafficking organization ...
An Augusta woman who collapsed in the Chippewa County Jail on July 4 and later died at an area hospital apparently smuggled ...