A Wisconsin crop farmer says transportation issues have been one of his biggest concerns this year. “Living in west-central ...
At 63, the semi-retired handyman from the Wisconsin city of Black River Falls has trapped beavers before. But he’s never heard of a mock beaver dam — much less constructed one. “It gives you ...
First Alert Weather: More clouds on Saturday northeast of Wausau. The next weathermaker could bring snow and rain to the area.
MANAWA, WI (WTAQ-WLUK) — Last summer, the city of Manawa, Wisconsin was dealt a serious blow after relentless rainfall ...
“We’ve been flying drones repeatedly on swaths upstream and downstream, looking at the changes in the river since the dam ...
Work has finally begun to restore the Manawa Dam and the surrounding area after flood waters caused it to partially collapse ...
The Beaver Dam project would be one of a series of major data center campuses proposed or underway in southern Wisconsin. A data center developer proposes a mega campus in Beaver Dam — about 60 ...
I take issue with Marjorie Millner’s letter (“Save salmon; breach dams,” Our Readers’ Views, Feb. 10). For starters, Millner has no idea or concept of just what the Snake River dams do ...
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Bonneville Power Administration and Bureau of Reclamation today released the first step of a court-ordered National Environmental Policy Act review of the federal ...