Black hole mergers are beautiful — and some of the most violent events in the cosmos. Here's how the process unfolds.
New theoretical research suggests primordial black holes could one day help researchers locate invisible dark matter.
Physicists finally know whether black holes destroy the information contained in infalling matter. The problem is that the ...
Hundreds packed Science Center Hall B to watch Kip S. Thorne, a professor of theoretical physics at Caltech and a 2017 Nobel ...
Scientists identify faint black holes in galaxies that formed during the early days of the universe, using imagery from the ...
If true, this theory could explain how all of the matter in our universe was created.
Recent observations, including those from the Hubble Space Telescope, suggest that early galaxies harbored significantly more ...
Stephen Hawking, Roger Penrose, Robert Oppenheimer, Karl Schwarzschild, John Wheeler, Albert Einstein, Leonard Susskind – ...
New NASA discoveries reveal that black holes are more common than thought, reshaping galaxy evolution theories.
The first moving images of a black hole could reveal swirls of plasma and collapsing stars, deepening our understanding of ...
The most likely culprit behind this phenomenon that is killing our universe is the action of supermassive black holes, which ...