Take a trip to France this May courtesy of a first-time director, Durga Chew-Bose. In Bonjour Tristesse, an adaptation of Françoise Sagan’s 1954 novella, Chloë Sevigny crashes the seaside ...
The Happy Gilmore 2 teaser trailer has landed from Netflix with the announcement of a bis summer release for the comedy sequel. Adam Sandler reprises his role as the title character in the hotly ...
Some big news hit overnight that Darren Aronofsky, he of The Fountain, Mother! and Black Swan fame is potentially set to make the Cujo film planned over at Netflix. The InSneider scored the scoop of ...
During a summer in France, 18-year-old Cécile's carefree life with her father Raymond and his lover Elsa is disrupted by the ...