Additionally, James Weldon Johnson College Preparatory Middle School is currently on a lockout, according to Duval County ...
JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – Duval County Public Schools opened bus registration on Monday and there’s a change to who must register.
Paxon School for Advanced Studies was on lockdown Friday morning due to police activity in the neighborhood, according to ...
Paxon and James Weldon Johns schools in Jacksonville are on lockdown Friday morning due to police activity in the ...
JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — Paxon and James Weldon Johns schools in Jacksonville are on lockdout Friday morning due to police ...
Mayor Donna Deegan supports $3 million for esports arena at UNF as way to build "next-generation workforce." Council member Diamond says it's "nuts." ...
The Jacksonville Fire and Rescue Department was called to a scene on Winton Drive and took one person to the hospital with serious injuries.
UNF also plans to partner with Duval County public schools to use the esports ... national competitions "bringing visitors to Jacksonville." The school would put the esports arena in the John ...