Its admirers mourn the loss of the ideals it represented. Nima Momeni, 40, was convicted by a San Francisco jury in the fatal stabbing of Bob Lee, a well-known tech executive. The closest ski hill ...
When San Francisco lost its U.S. Attorney this month, District Attorney Brooke Jenkins lost a partner in her efforts to curb drug dealing. President Donald Trump on Feb. 13 fired U.S. Attorney ...
The second gold medal for Iran was won by Ali Momeni, who was in Tirana last year for the U23 World Championships and won the bronze medal. He earned gold at 57kg with a fall over Aiaal Belolyubskii ...
Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning (Deep Learning talk at NASA Ames Research Center in July 2019) YouTube: AI-Deep Learning Modeling for Forecasting Ozone Air Quality, Weather, and Remotely ...
Equality advocates have begun a 40-Day “fast” from shopping at Target coinciding with the annual Lent period. The organized boycott is in response to ...