娛樂中心/詹呈彥報導YouTube網紅團體「反骨男孩」因頻道獨特搞笑風格,大受年輕族群歡迎,擁有超過165萬人訂閱,團長酷炫時常在社群和粉絲們分享生活點滴,日前他在臉書PO文表示自己搭計程車時遇到一位可憐的司機,在聽完對方的故事後,酷炫忍不住紅了眼眶 ...
民眾黨主席柯文哲,目前雖然遭到羈押禁見,但是黨內還是定調,柯文哲是遭到司法迫害政治追殺,特別是昨天的小草晚會上,白營立委更用台灣的曼德拉以及菩薩,來形容柯文哲目前自家主席的牢獄之災,但對此民進黨立委痛批,這個案件已經進入司法調查,透過遊行,神格化涉貪 ...
大學分發入學爆發文化、大葉、真理、佛光4所大學「短報缺額」,針對違反教育部規定情事,真理大學校長陳奇銘上週已被董事會依考績解聘,佛光大學校長何卓飛責下台請辭,文化大學校長王子奇直到今日(9/9)才表態向全校教職員道歉,表示已經在第一時間向董事會自請處 ...
中國外交史上最快升官紀錄的前國務委員兼外交部長秦剛,去年(2023年)7月突然遭到免職,隨後「人間蒸發」一度生死成謎。美國《華盛頓郵報》(The Washington ...
Dimanche 8 septembre, Emilie Broussouloux et Thomas Hollande célébraient leur 6e anniversaire de mariage. Pour l'occasion, la ...
Israeli airstrikes in central Syria have killed five people and injured at least 19 others, state-run Syrian news agency SANA ...
North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper (D) said on Sunday that if Vice President Harris wins North Carolina in the general election ...
Robert De Niro and Steve Buscemi were among the Hollywood stars who took part in Sunday’s “Paisans for Kamala,” a live stream ...
Raging wildfires in California and Nevada are forcing the mandatory evacuations of thousands of homes as forecasters warn of ...
As authorities search the dense woods of rural Laurel County, Kentucky, for a suspect in the shooting of five people on ...
A Ukrainian drone strike ignited fuel tanks at a storage facility near the Russian town of Volokonovka Sunday, a regional ...
Surveillance video from a pet store in Florida shows a woman browsing the baby bird section, before picking one up and ...