In the heart of Spencerport, Rita Kanaley embarked on a journey that would touch the lives of many. She started her business, ...
As part of the Robert David Lion Gardiner Semiquincentennial Summer Fellowship Program, each student received $4,800 for ...
The Village of Brockport has been selected to participate in the second stage of the New York Forward, Round 3 Application process. The 20-page application was completed cooperatively by grant writer ...
Brockport Firefighters responded to Winston Woods Townhomes the afternoon of November 22 for a reported foundation wall collapse with flooding in the basement. First responders observed a sizable ...
While physicians at Unity were examining Sydney’s heart, she went into cardiac arrest. The team urgently performed CPR, ...
The Greece Performing Arts Society (GPAS) will welcome in the holiday season with their Gala Holiday Concert on Sunday, December 8, 3 p.m., at St. Charles Borromeo Church, 3003 Dewey Avenue, Rochester ...
The non-profit high school foreign exchange program, Education Travel & Culture (ETC), is on a mission to find a new home for ...
The Greece Ecumenical Food Shelf says requests for food are higher than ever. They served 421 households in Greece and Charlotte in October. They receive many of the basics of a nutritional diet from ...