Our Earth is about 4.5 billion years old and, through careful work, scientists have pieced together a timeline of its past.
When we think of color in the night sky, we often think of beautiful images of galaxies and nebulae. Unfortunately, most of ...
The plumes stretch farther than any yet seen, reaching millions of light-years long and potentially influencing the cosmos ...
A famous radio signal from space long considered as a possible sign of another civilization, in the end, falls flat.
On Tuesday evening, the Full Harvest Moon — also a Super Moon — undergoes a partial lunar eclipse visible across the U.S.
Astronomers have long investigated the effects of totality on animals, leaving one to wonder just what aspects trigger ...
If Earth had no air, the Moon would disappear during totality. But it does, so some sunlight is scattered into Earth’s shadow ...
Come 2034, humans could witness the first-ever artificial meteor shower sparked by activity in space.
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Celebrate a Harvest Moon lunar eclipse and an occultation of the planet Saturn, just days before Neptune reaches opposition.