A federal bankruptcy judge rejected a bid by the owners of The Onion to buy Alex Jones' Infowars company, saying the auction was flawed. The owners of The Onion say they are "deeply disappointed." ...
DeEtte Sauer, 83, went from being a girl who wasn't allowed to participate in sports, to an elite swimmer as a senior. She talks with NPR's Juana Summers about what being active means to her.
NPR's Ari Shapiro talks with Steven Heydemann, Middle East Studies director at Smith College, about how Syria might avoid replicating Arab countries that are worse off after overthrowing dictators.
The famous magician the Amazing Kreskin -- who dazzled audiences with his mind-reading skills -- died Tuesday at age 89.
Brain cells are increasingly being found outside the brain, and now researchers have identified specific neurons in the abdomen that control some aspects of digestion.