Her Worship the Mayor, Ms Carmen Gomez GMD, visited the Soup Kitchen on Tuesday 15th October 2024. She was invited by Monsignor Charles who showed her around the kitchen, explaining opening times, ...
The Minister for Health and Care, the Hon Gemma Arias-Vasquez, has announced an increase in hospital fees for non-entitled patients, bringing Gibraltar’s fees closer to other comparable hospitals and ...
The Minister for Youth, Christian Santos, chaired the 5th Youth Symposium meeting on 10th October at the John Mackintosh Hall. Organised by the Youth Service, twenty-six young people participated, ...
The Minister with responsibility for Training, Apprenticeships and Skills, Christian Santos, visited a PATHS session run by Clare Francis from EdYOUcation. Ms Francis has already delivered a first ...
Fortress Attractions Ltd (FAL) will provide and manage leisure activities at the Northern Defences following the conclusion of discussions with the Government. This followed a public Expression of ...
The Minister with responsibility for Training, Apprenticeships and Skills, Christian Santos, met with trainees of the Foundation in Insurance Training (FIT) course at the start of their induction.
The Department of the Environment would like to remind all anglers that the Bluefin tuna fishing season closed on Monday 14th October 2024. Anglers are reminded that the capture and landing of any ...
Gibraltar Cultural Services, on behalf of the Ministry of Culture, is delighted to announce the return of Christmas Wonderland. This year GCS will be producing a Christmas spectacular at Casemates ...