‘Sent by a young man to his mother in which he enthusiastically describes the opulence and magnificence of the Titanic, this ...
The letter details his experience aboard the ship and his love for his family, highlighting the tragedy of his untimely death ...
A HAUNTING letter written by a tragic teen aboard the Titanic just three days before the ship sunk has been revealed. The ...
Aged just 16, Thomas Cupper Mudd from Huntingfield, Suffolk, was among the youngest of the 1,500 people lost in the Titanic ...
A letter penned by one of the youngest victims aboard the Titanic is expected to fetch up to £30,000 when it goes under the ...
It does not necessarily reflect the view of The Herald. As 16-year-old Thomas Cupper Mudd set sail for America on the Titanic his mind was full of exciting thoughts of what lay ahead of him. But ...
Aged just 16, Thomas Cupper Mudd from Huntingfield, Suffolk, was among the youngest of the 1,500 people lost in the Titanic sinking. But his last letter to his mother survives, written on Titanic ...