The unprecedented violence and mass killings of Tutsi and non-extremist Hutu were carried out over 100 days between April and ...
At least 95 percent of my village was farmers. I would never know the difference between Hutu and Tutsi if I did not learn it from school, family and peers. School was the first place that taught ...
Among the survivors is Immaculee Ilibagiza, an inspiring Tutsi woman who hid from Hutu attackers. Along with six other women, Ilibagiza was crammed into a tiny bathroom for three months, often within ...
Hutu massacred thousands of Tutsi, often at the direction of local political or administrative leaders. Burundian soldiers and national police, sometimes aided by Tutsi civilians, killed thousands ...
It is one of the most shameful stories of the post-Cold War world. One million Tutsis were slaughtered by the Hutu majority in Rwanda while the West turned a blind eye. As the U.N.s Genocide ...
Tutsi soldiers killed Hutu civilians, sometimes in reprisal for ... they killed thirteen persons, including women and children. Unidentified assailants killed and injured dozens of civilians ...
A former Rwandan women's minister has been sentenced to ... Butare was once home to a large mix of Hutu and Tutsi people, and there was some resistance there to the orders to carry out the massacres.
For three decades, the FDLR has operated with impunity in the DR Congo despite its direct connection to the perpetrators of the 1994 Genocide Against the Tutsi. This group, composed of Hutu ...