On the streets I once walked and drove down daily, near the shopping centre where I bought my groceries, dead bodies lay ...
It accuses Congo's military of joining forces with Hutu-led militias it says are bent on slaughtering Tutsis in Congo and threatening Rwanda. Burundi, whose ruling party draws heavily from the ...
The conflict is a legacy of multistate wars that played out in Congo after the 1994 Rwandan genocide, in which as many as 1 million people, mainly of the Tutsi ethnic group, were killed by Hutu ...
The conflict is a legacy of multistate wars that played out in Congo after the 1994 Rwandan genocide, in which as many as 1 million people, mainly of the Tutsi ethnic group, were killed by Hutu ...
Among those armed forced – it has long been claimed by Rwanda – there are Hutus who were involved in the killing of Tutsis in the Rwandan genocide in the 1990s. In April 1994 hardline Hutu ...