Officials say an Orange County elementary school teacher was recently arrested after being accused of sexual crimes.
Cave Creek Unified School District will close a second elementary school, reversing a decision two weeks ago to keep it open.
Despite recommendations to close two elementary schools, the Cave Creek Unified School District Governing Board voted to close only Desert Sun Academy. Declining enrollment in the district ...
Plans are underway to potentially transform Pearl Creek Elementary into a kindergarten through fifth grade charter school. The Fairbanks North Star Borough School District voted on Feb. 4 to close ...
Kids, parents, and teachers gathered Thursday night at Stone Spring Elementary School in Harrisonburg to dance their hearts out. The Valentine’s Day dance, the school’s first one, was a fundraiser for ...
Over half of Houston-area elementary schools improved in the 2023-24 school year compared to 2022-23, according to new Children At Risk rankings released Wednesday. The improvements at Houston ...
The Collier County School Board approved boundary changes Tuesday, selecting Option B to address overcrowding and prepare for growth with the opening of Bear Creek Elementary in 2025.
On March 8, 2023, representatives from the Golden Apple Foundation surprised Crystal Ellis, third grade teacher at Stone Creek School in Roscoe. They also stopped by Prairie Hill Elementary School in ...
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In the cafeteria at Standing Stone Elementary in Pennsylvania’s Huntingdon Area School District, kids raised on farms sit with peers whose parents work at nearby colleges and correctional facilities.