Inside Politics: Now that the primary dust has settled, and the vote counts are in, here's how the 2014 political landscape is shaping up. The counting is over, and the ballots tallied since ...
A look at a day of arguments that led to victory for supporters of same-sex marriage. Without a high school grammar teacher as a support staffer, Thurston County Superior Court Judge Thomas McPhee ...
The burgeoning indie music scene has spawned the Portland Cello Project. It's keeping cellists busy, playing classical and rock in non-traditional venues. The Rose City is now Celloland.
The loss of Washington Mutual is a very big, very bad deal for the Seattle region. Its scope is just beginning to sink in. Large, locally run public companies are a major civic asset, as they ...
Upgrading to Windows 7? Redmond's video guide, while helpful, seems almost like an Apple-produced parody. Perhaps people do exist who are truly agnostic when it comes to their preferred computer ...
Not only OB-GYNs, but young doctors in all specialties are opting to live and work where there are fewer restrictions on reproductive health care. Seventeen months after the Supreme Court decision ...
As the midterms draw to a close, two strategists and an elected leader discuss how our two major parties gain — and wield — political control.
Crosscut published more than 40 stories on job safety, housing instability, police and business aid. Read our top and most impactful reporting. As a statewide reporting team, we continued to seek ...
Could Albert Einstein have been referring to driving to Seattle-Tacoma International Airport (SEA) when he said: “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but ...
It is hard to imagine the Northwest without wilderness and outdoor recreation — mountain ranges to climb and trails to hike. These recreations exist due to the hard work and advocacy of many ...
Andy Motz is a Video Editor at Crosscut and KCTS 9. Prior to joining the company in 2022, Andy lived in Los Angeles creating documentaries for various non-profits and activist groups. In addition ...
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