In a recent newspaper interview, Prime Minister Gabriel Attal announced that a reform of the unemployment insurance system was planned by the end of 2024. Whether any of his proposals will see the ...
From family farms and businesses to established agribusinesses to emerging ag tech companies, a new federal law requires ...
Little else gets regulatory lawyers more excited than changes to how the Administrative Procedure Act (APA) is applied to regulators and the ...
State involvement in commercial transactions continues to increase and remains an area of distinct legal risk for commercial ...
A federal court in the Eastern District of Texas halted enforcement of the salary threshold increases following challenges to ...
With the emergence of generative artificial intelligence (AI) platforms such as ChatGPT and Google Gemini, the widespread use of copyrighted works ...
The U.S. Supreme Court's decision in Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo upended decades of precedent that required courts ...
Here Ye! Here Ye! Major changes to federal regulation and policy are happening now! FEMA's new proposed policy guide is open for public ...
Discovering after the trade date that a syndicated secondary loan trade is subject to a lock-up agreement can result in legal ...
Venable's Government Division offered its general thoughts on the fallout from the Supreme Court's reversal of the ...
Loretto Management Corporation (“Loretto”) filed a notice of data breach with the Attorney General of Vermont after ...
On June 28, the Supreme Court abrogated the Chevron doctrine that has guided courts’ review of agency actions for the past 40 ...